We are all caught up in the day to day operations of the center, the constant struggle between family and work, staff and students, duties and responsibilities. The stress of everyday balance of work-family-career can really hinder productivity in our lives.
There was a study done many years ago on the issue of multi tasking. True, some people are better at it than others, but the true since of multi tasking is known for being less effective in the work place. The sounds of those around us, the phone interrupting, the co-workers needing out attention- All can be distractions for accomplishing the task at hand.
So the question then becomes, what can we do to be aware of those distractions and how can we prevent them from decreasing our productivity?
1. Are your Surroundings Helping or Hindering? Each of us works a little differently and need different environments to thrive at work. Some of us need to escape to a quiet room or office to focus when others of us dont mind the loudness and can tone out all the noise. So I want you to think about your self and your habits. Does noise seem to help, harm, or neutral? Are their kids or people that are around you that make you stop to focus on them?
2. Are Electronics Hindering You? Cell Phones? Facebook? Social Media? Games? Dating Apps? Are you getting distracted by the electronics and social media apps that are tearing you away from your tasks? Now in this new world of everything at your finger tips, the traditional addiction to the television is starting to be replaced with your cell phone.
3. Not Enough Sleep? We all know that each person needs a different amount of sleep each night. How is your sleeping pattern? Is there anything that you need to do to adjust it? Sleep is essential for a working brain and a healthy body. So make sure you are not limited your productivity by lack or good quality sleep.
4. Task at Hand? Are you juggling too many things at one time? If you are working on different project and trying to multi task to get each one completed, you may not be being as productive as you think. Working and focusing on one project at a time has many benefits to the quality of work and the production of getting it done.
No matter the tasks at hand, remember that you have the power to increase productivity and quality in your work or reduce it.