When you are marketing to the community to get more enrollments for your center. You need to get into the mindset to "Be Omnipresent"
You want to dominate the local market, so when someone thinks of daycare- Your Childcare Facility Name will be the first thing that pops into their head. Here are a couple of simple things to think about when you are growing your name.
1. Dominant 5-mile mark: One way to get this effect started is to start marketing within a one-five mile radius of your center. Think about this- Parents enroll their children in a center that is either close to home or close to their place of work. So I would start marketing to homes and businesses in a one mile radius and work up to a five mile radius. Send mail outs the the local homes, bring flyers to the local business for their staff, whatever it takes to get your name in front of them.
2. Be Visible: Make sure your sign is large enough to be seen from the street and you are in view. If you are in a location that you can drive by and no one can see you- Then you are not going to be burnt in their mind as a referral.
3. Start Networking: Start going to local networking events, join the local chamber, join a BNI group, participate in a charity event and get your name out there in a big way.